Weekly Obsession-Starbucks|AilishElizabeth

Hello guys, I know Sunday but I am still going to do my weekly obsession, the reason it was up yesterday was because I didn't get home yesterday till seven and I needed a shower ect and I could not be bothered doing it at ten and Friday I did not pre-write it because I was out till like ten and did not know I would be able to write it on Saturday.

So after that little update thing my weekly obsession this week is Starbucks. Starbucks is what I class as my second home, I love it. This week I have only had it twice but I want it more! Both times I had a Cremé Blast, the first time j had a chocolate one and yesterday I had a Strawberry and Cream one. I prefer the strawberries and cream one because it is sweeter and just a bit nicer also the chocolate is a but over powering for me.

So that has been my weekly obsessions hope you like it.
Ailish Elizabeth


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