One Direction Concert/OOTD!|AilishElizabeth

Hey guys, on Saturday I went to see One Direction on their Where We Are Tour in the Etihad stadium, and it was amazing, I had been waiting for Saturday for over a year and finally it came and it was amazing! We got there for around 3-ish so we knew we whould not be at the front of our block, but we did not mind. Here are some pictures from the concert.
5SOS were amazing! I had saw them last year when they supported One Direction on their Take Me Home tour and they were amazing then so I knew they would be know. Also I could see how much they had changed since they first supported One Direction. Also I am a massive fan of theirs and sang along to every song, Luke Hemmings was ad looked perfect, like always!
So there are some of the pictures I took, I don't want to tell you every thing that happened. However that was my favourite concert ever! They talked to the audience a lot and everyone was jumping and dancing and singing along. I hope any of you who are going to see them enjoy it.
So this is what I wore on Saturday and I loved my outfit, it was just so cute, I was literally just wearing New Look.
Top- New Look
Shorts- New Look
Socks- Miss Selfridge
Scrunchie- New Look
I loved the shorts I wore, the daisy on the pockets are just so cute!
And by the time I had got home I looked like this, I bought myself a tour top that has all the dates on.

I also had face paint on, pink and blue!
This is what my ticket looked like and because I was standing I got a wristband and it was blue because I was in the blue zone standing, what is the front block.
So the merch I got was a program, because every tour I go I get one and I also got a One Direction wrist band and a 5SOS one because wrist bands as well. I also got the top with the dates on the back but I forgot to take a picture of that.
That was some pictures from the WWA Tour on Saturday, if you going to see them I hope you have a wonderful time as it is an amazing concert.
Ailish Elizabeth
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